Estimated shipping times vary by order. A tracking ID will be emailed to you the day your order ships out so you may easily track your order. The estimated shipping times below represent the amount of time your order will be in transit once your order has left the factory.
- Orders sent via UPS or FedEx Ground are delivered on average 3-7 business days after the order leaves the factory.
- Orders sent via a Freight Carrier are delivered on average 2-3 weeks after the order leaves the factory.
- Orders sent via a White Glove Service are delivered on average 4-6 weeks after the order leaves the factory.
PLEASE NOTE: These shipping estimates represent the time it takes for an item to reach your home AFTER it leaves the factory and do NOT include production time for out of stock or made to order items.
When you purchase a product from us, any shipping times we provide are ESTIMATES ONLY and actual delivery dates may vary. In addition, if you elect to use our Premium White Glove Delivery Service (see below) you will be required to make an appointment for delivery.